How olive oil can help you with hair growth and scalp health | The Face Shop


كيف يمكن أن يساعدك زيت الزيتون في نمو الشعر وصحة فروة الرأس | ذا فيس شوب

Olive oil has been used for centuries as a natural and effective hair care ingredient. Rich in antioxidants and healthy fatty acids that are great for nourishing and conditioning your hair. If you are looking for a natural way to keep your hair healthy, shiny and strong, follow this article to learn more about the benefits of olive oil for hair care. Benefits of olive oil for hair: Olive Oil Shampoo is a natural moisturizer that deeply nourishes hair follicles and scalp. It helps prevent hair dryness and breakage, making your hair stronger and more resilient. It also provides protection...

Coconut Oil - Magical Hair Care Ingredient | The Face Shop

Posted by MIRNA AMIN

زيت جوز الهند - مكون سحري للعناية بالشعر | ذا فيس شوب
Coconut oil is a very beneficial oil for hair and is widely used in beauty products for its many benefits. Deeply conditions your hair and nourishes the scalp to promote hair growth and prevent hair breakage and split ends. It can be used before shampoo to protect hair from damage, as a hair oil to deeply moisturize or as a leave-in treatment after washing. Coconut oil contains antifungal and antimicrobial properties to treat dandruff and other scalp infections. Coconut oil can be found in hair care products, such as shampoos and conditioners.
Coconut oil can also be used to improve the shine and manageability of hair, as it helps to reduce tangles and improve manageability. In addition, it can be used as a natural remedy to get healthy and shiny hair, and being safe on the skin and hair, it can be used in homes as a natural alternative to commercial products. However, it should be used with caution if you are allergic to it, and not to use it excessively, as it contains fats and oils, and can cause a sebum build-up on the scalp.

Discover with us the best types of Korean sunscreen from The Face Shop


اكتشفي معنا أفضل أنواع واقي الشمس الكورية من ذا فيس شوب

Discover with us the best types of Korean sunscreen from The Face Shop 1- Natural Sun Eco No Shine Hydrating Cream With a light formula that protects your skin from the sun's rays, moisturizes, refreshes, and helps balance the percentage of water and oils in it. 2- Natural Sun Eco Power Long sunscreen With Korean sunflower seed extract, it evens out your skin tone, protects it from harmful sun rays, and is waterproof. To leave your skin glowing and protected for a longer time. 3- NATURAL SUN ECO SUPER ACTIVE sunscreen With a natural, safe formula that is water and...

The Face Shop Ramadan Magazine


مجلة ذا فيس شوب الرمضانية

  Content:   A daily blog with the best recipes and interesting content for its viewers. How to learn about your company's project and choose the appropriate platforms for it. Don't forget to use and sign the sunblock. Korean morning makeup routine for fair skin. Special offers. Learn more about our new products. Collections and gifts for fair skin. A daily blog with the best recipes in the food industry. A presentation on the topic of increasing sales through online platforms and how to start marketing campaigns. The phenomenon of black holes and the ability of matter to escape from...

10-Step Korean Skincare Routine


روتين 10 خطوات للعناية بالبشرة الكوري

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